Submit An Article For Distribution On Our Network

Have A Really Cool Trading Article You Would Like To Submit To Us?

We have an extensive network of trading and membership sites and welcome submissions on any trading related matter.

We have some very basic guidelines that we would like you to bear in mind for any article that you submit:

  • It must be your own. In other words it must be an article that you wrote, or have permission for us to use.
  • You give us full permission to use it
  • It must be trade related and can be for instance be an article on a particular Indicator or a System or Method of your own that you use.
  • It must be informative. Ideally an article that would be of benefit to other traders
  • It should not be shorter than 200 words...the more information and charts and images and examples it can contain, the more likely it will be distributed.
  • It should not be a sales pitch
  • You may include one link at the end of the article to your site
  • Include your name for reference purposes
  • Please quote sources as plagiarised material will not be accepted
  • As a rule of thumb, it should be fairly exclusive, in other words, not widely freely available on every other site out there. We are looking for unique content that we know our readers and members prefer. This ensures maximum potential for distribution for you from our side.

What to do?


- Write to us at the email address below:

- Include the subject line: Article Submission

- Attach the article OR send us a link to where we can access it

That's it!

Once we receive your request we will be in contact with you.

To our trading success!

Old Tree Publishing